In particular, you might want to check out the entries that feature "paipan" (shaved) women. To navigate this blog, look for the block of horizontal images. Directly beneath you'll see some Japanese characters immediately next to numbers. Click on those character/numbers and you'll get a megaporn video in a new tab.

For the next video, skip the next few single images (these are links to outside sites) and look for the next vertical row of images and the character/numbers beneath them. Then, click away. Additionally, with this blog, you'll find that some of the soft videos are embeded with Dailymotion. For those, you can click the play button and watch in the blog. To go to the next page with more links, look for the "次のページ >>" characters at the bottom of the page you're on.
Also, be sure to check out the entries featuring the old, soft late-night TV shows.

The other blog features entries that present older, classic Japanese erotic films. To navitage, skip the first section with links and an ad, and look for the vertical images in red boxes. Click on the images and you'll get the video in a new tab. If the new tab looks radically different, then you'll have to search out the image (and/or megaporn or dailymotion play button over the image) that you just clicked on. Almost always, that will allow you to watch the video then.

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