This is a really excellent blog for clips of mainstream films with nudity as well as softcore Japanese movies. Here are some navigation tips:
> The numbers at the top of the blog are the days of the month. Not every day has a post, so look for the numbers that are slightly bolded. Those are the days with postings. The arrows at each end of the numbers put you one month forward or backward.
> The first section of the blog is just links to other sites. Skip that and scroll down, looking for the first video screen.
> Just hit the play button to enjoy the video, embedded within the blog.
> Ignore the links below the video. These are more links that will take you to other websites. Skip ahead, scroll to the next video, and enjoy again!
> Near the very bottom of the blog you'll see a "Next" button. You can use that to view older posts, or go up to the top and view by the dates (as described in the first tip)
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