Aspiring actress Shun Shun Leung is trying to get on in the movies, pushed by her money-mad mother. She and handsome actor Yung fall for each other, though Shun doesn't realize Yung has previously had it off with her sexy sister Jo Jo. Mrs Leung plays the stock market and uses various ploys to cover her losses, including prostituting her daughter Jo Jo to a big mouthed kinky fattie named Chung. When Shun brings Yung home to meet mother, she effectively demands a large dowry, to which Yung agrees. Somewhere in the story, a lusty sorcerer called Wayne keeps popping up. he and Jo Jo have sex, and she asks him for money. Wayne's specialty, which he teaches, is "hitting the vital part". Shun and Yung are very much in love, and the marriage initially goes well. But, of course, there's trouble. Jo Jo tries but fails to seduce Yung again. Mrs Leung lures Shun's former boyfriend back from Japan, and Shun is eventually unfaithful with him. Can Yung hold his temper, or will he try for revenge?
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