Sunday, May 31, 2009

La Ragazzina (1974)

Gloria Guida is playing her usual high school girl in trouble, but this isn't one of the typical low-brow, idiotic "Liceale" sex comedies she'd later be famous for--this is more of low-grade drama similar to "Blue Jeans", the other film she later did with the same director (Mario Imperioli). "Monika", Guida's characters in this film, is dealing with three male suitors: One is a creepy peer (played by the same scrawny actor from "Blue Jeans") who is pimping out her female classmates to older men. The second is a middle-age lech, and a client of the teenage pimp, who becomes obsessed with her. The third is a swarthy, slightly older lothario who is also carrying on with the middle-aged guy's frosty wife. "Monika" also has some kind of relationship with the wife (Colette Descombes from the Carrol Baker/Umberto Lenzo giallo "Orgasmo"), at least enough to merit them taking a topless swim together.

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